Jaguar from WLE Pyro Thyme Candy is in the World!
Hurtling Moment Lightning Strawberry
Candy is in the World! : Pony World Cup, My Beautiful Pony, My Little Horse is Star!
Tblk a versenyeihez:
L szerint:
Demon's Glory: No Mum, Mum and Me Good Encore: Easy Dressage You, World Champion Dressage, FreeJumping
Verseny szerint:
Kentucky Derby: -minden galopp l- Dubai World Cup: -minden galopp l- I. War Horse Appearance: Desire's Star, Smarty Boy, Jaguar from WLE, Good Encore, Pyro Thyme, Scarlet O'Paradise, Demon's Glory
White Angel's Gloria
Demon's Glory
2. Hely - Good - Good Foal in Loveless Dance Horse Center - 200 000 Ft
Pyro Thyme
b) II. helyezettek + 2nd Placed of II. Smile of Fortune + Little Bit Lucky Horse + 200.000 lbp
White Angel's Gloria Lightning Strawberry Hurtling Moment
Good Encore
Desire's Star Smarty Boy Pyro Thyme
Desire's Star III. helyezetteknek: *GOOD *Great Horse in M'sM *200.000 Ft
Smarty Boy III. helyezetteknek: *GOOD *Great Horse in M'sM *200.000 Ft
Pyro Thyme III. helyezetteknek: *GOOD *Great Horse in M'sM *200.000 Ft
Jaguar from WLE Good Encore Scarlet O'Paradise
Desire's Star Smarty Boy
c) III. helyezettek # 3rd Placed of I. Belgium's Grand Prix # Good Dressage Horse # 100.000 lbp
3.hely: Good foal in Windmill 10.000 ft
Jaguar from WLE
Pyro Thyme
Candy is in the World!